
ReliefWeb results

Niger + 1 more

UNICEF Niger Humanitarian Situation Report No. 6: 1-30 June 2020

Highlights Gunmen suspected to be militants of non-state armed groups (NSAGs) regularly carried out asymmetric attacks against military outposts and patrols in Tillaberi and Diffa regions. On June 24th, dozens of civilians were abducted in Diffa and…


Niger : 250 millions de dollars pour stimuler la croissance à long terme

WASHINGTON, 6 août 2020 — Le Conseil des administrateurs de la Banque mondiale a approuvé aujourd’hui l’octroi d’un crédit et d’un don de l’Association internationale de développement (IDA)* d’un montant global de 250 millions de dollars afin d’aider…

News and Press Release
World Bank
17 Aug 2020


Niger: Floods Early Action Protocol summary (EAP2020NE01)

The IFRC Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF) has approved a total allocation of CHF 250,000 from its Forecast based Action (FbA) mechanism for the Red Cross Society of Niger. The approved amount consists of an immediate…


Niger: World Bank Approves $250 Million to Boost Long-Term Growth

WASHINGTON, August 6, 2020 — The World Bank Board of Directors today approved a total amount of $250 million in International Development Association (IDA)* credit and grant to help Niger develop its human capital and to…

News and Press Release
World Bank
6 Aug 2020

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