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In Niger, new sanitation programme is transforming lives through better hygiene

BANDE, Niger, February 16 2011-Rabe Amman, 24, leads his visitors through the spotless courtyard of his family compound and past his wife who is pounding millet with her neighbours outside their thatched huts in the remote Nigerien village of…

News and Press Release
16 Feb 2011


Niger Second Emergency Food Security Support Project

Project Objectives The objective of the Project is to increase rice production in targeted areas, and restore productive assets for targeted food insecure households in the Region of Tillabery. Project Description The project will be implemented through the following components: Component…


Niger: Floods DREF operation n° MDRNE006 Update N° 01

Period covered by this update: 11 September to 11 December 2010. Summary: CHF 242,119 (USD 232,115 or EUR 175,119) was allocated from the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)'s Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF) to support the…


Procédure d'appel global (CAP): Appel 2011 pour le Niger

RESUME EXECUTIF Le Niger est confronté à des défis humanitaires de taille. Les mauvaises performances de la campagne agricole 2009 ont affaibli un secteur déjà fragile, exposant presque la moitié du pays à une insécurité alimentaire modérée ou sévère. La…

Niger + 1 more

Nigeria: Floods DREF operation no. MDRNG008

GLIDE no. FL-2010-000200-NGA The International Federation's Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF) is a source of un-earmarked money created by the Federation in 1985 to ensure that immediate financial support is available for Red Cross and Red Crescent response to emergencies.…


Niger Urban Water and Sanitation Project

1. Key development issues and rationale for Bank involvement The Government of Niger (GoN) has adopted in February 2009 a National Water and Sanitation Program (Programme National d'Alimentation en Eau Potable et d'Assainissement - PNAEPA) through which it intends to coordinate…

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