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WFP Niger: Situation Report #4, 9 September 2023

Key Numbers 3.3 million people (13% of the population) are already severely food insecure. An additional 7.3 million people (28 percent of the population) at risk of dropping into severe food insecurity. 3.6 million people targeted by WFP…


OCHA Niger - Conflits intercommunautaires dans les communes du Gorouol, Dessa et Ayorou - Suivi de la situation des conflits au 31 août 2023

Selon des sources sécuritaires, ces conflits auraient fait des dizaines de civils tués. Contexte et faits majeurs Les conflits intercommunautaires dans les communes de Dessa, Ayorou et Gorouol opposant des communautés sédentaires et pastorales ont été rapportés mi-août…


OCHA Niger: Inter-communal conflicts in the Gorouol, Dessa and Ayorou communes - Monitoring of the conflict situation as of 31 August 2023

According to security sources, dozens of civilians have been killed in these conflicts. Background and Key Facts Intercommunal clashes between sedentary and pastoral communities in the communes of Dessa, Ayorou and Gorouol were reported mid-August by humanitarian actors…


Three things to know about the humanitarian situation in Niger

As a result of the political situation in Niger since 26 July, regional organisations including the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), the West African Economic and Monetary Union (UEMOA) and a number of bilateral…

News and Press Release
11 Sep 2023

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