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Niger : Rapport d’Evaluation Rapide de Protection, Région de Tillabéri, Département de Tillabéri, commune de Dessa, Site des déplacés internes de Dessa (04 mai 2021)

Résumé de la situation de protection et recommandations au Cluster Protection Le département de Tillaberi (dont les communes d’Anzourou et Dessa) est exposé à l’insécurité liée aux exactions perpétrées par des GANEs depuis deux mois. Cette insécurité…


WFP Niger Country Brief, May 2021

In Numbers 2,760 mt* of food assistance distributed USD 2.39 m* of cash-based transfers made USD 94 m six months (June-November 2021) net funding requirements. 1.03 million* people assisted in May 2021 Strategic Updates • Together with other partners, WFP supported the…

Niger + 1 more

Norway to provide NOK 100 million to increase food security in Niger

The Norwegian authorities are entering into an agreement to allocate NOK 100 million in support to be used to provide healthy and nutritious food for the population in Niger. The funding will be channelled through a…

News and Press Release
Govt. Norway
24 Jun 2021

Niger + 8 more

Niger: Population Flow Monitoring Dashboard #47 (May 2021)

INTRODUCTION In order to better understand migratory movements and trends in West and Central Africa, IOM, through DTM, implements the Flow Monitoring (FM) activity of populations. Flow Monitoring, which is implemented in close collaboration with the authorities and…

Niger + 2 more

Rapport mensuel de monitoring de protection, Région de Diffa (Communes de Diffa, Chétimari, N’guigmi, Gueskerou, Maine-Soroa, Toumour, Kabléwa, Foulatary) Mars 2021

I. APERCU DE L’ENVIRONNEMENT SECURITAIRE ET DE PROTECTION Tout au long du premier trimestre de l’année 2021, la situation sécuritaire de la région de Diffa aura été imprévisible. Marquée par l’omni- présence des éléments des GANE dans…

Situation Report
DRC, IRC, Protection Cluster, UNHCR
23 Jun 2021

Niger + 12 more

UNHCR Niger Factsheet: Mixed Movements - June 2021

Refugees and asylum seekers in Agadez Niger has become a major hub for mixed movements northwards to Libya, Algeria and the Mediterranean while witnessing an increasing number of people fleeing Libya or being deported from Algeria on…

News and Press Release
21 Jun 2021

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