Cartes / Infographies

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Niger: Humanitarian Overview (as of 30 January 2014)

KEY DRIVERS OF THE CRISIS Poverty, demographic pressure and recurrent shocks (droughts, floods, epidemics, high food prices) are responsible for the chronic vulnerability amongst households and communities, forcing many families to result to negative coping strategies. The crises…

Niger + 2 more

Niger : 2013 en revue (décembre 2013)

En 2013, la situation humanitaires a été caractérisée par les défis ci après: l'insécurité alimentaire et la la malnutrition, les épidémies, les mouvements de population à la fois des pays voisins vers le Niger en raison…

Niger + 7 more

The Sahel: 2011-2013 CERF allocations (as of 11 Dec 2013)

One of the biggest challenges for the humanitarian community since 2011 was the severe food insecurity and malnutrition situation across the Sahel. The crisis affected more than 18 million people in eight countries, and 1 million…

ReliefWeb, OCHA
11 Dec 2013

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