
ReliefWeb results


Mozambique Food Security Outlook, October 2019 to May 2020

Humanitarian food assistance is improving food security outcomes across the country KEY MESSAGES • Currently, Stressed! (IPC Phase 2!) outcomes prevail in areas of Sofala, Manica and Cabo Delgado provinces as humanitarian assistance continues to mitigate more severe…


Cash transfers and vouchers in response to drought in Mozambique: Lessons on social protection linkages and separation of functions (July 2019)

Mozambique is highly exposed to weather-related hazards and faces periodic cyclones, droughts and floods. With predicted 800,000 people in severe food insecurity in the 2018-19 lean season, DFID funded WFP and HelpAge to provide cash transfers…

Evaluation and Lessons Learned
WFP, HelpAge
28 Oct 2019

Mozambique + 1 more

WFP Mozambique Country Brief, September 2019

In Numbers 6,200 mt of food assistance distributed USD 1.9 m in cash-based transfers (GFD and FFA) USD 72 million net funding requirements for the lean season (October 2019 – March 2020) 625,575 people received food assistance in September Operational Updates •…

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