Cartes / Infographies

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Displacement Tracking Matrix - Mozambique, Emergency Tracking Tool (ETT) Movement Alert 72, Cabo Delgado - Namuno district Update 01 November 2022

Fear of attacks and confirmed attacks by Non-State Armed Groups in Namuno district (Marrumeia community) triggered 5,213 individual displacement movements from Hucula locality to Namuno sede, (Milipone locality). An estimate of 159 Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs)…


Displacement Tracking Matrix - Mozambique, Emergency Tracking Tool (ETT) Movement Alert 71, Cabo Delgado - Namuno district Update 31 October 2022

Fear of attacks and confirmed attacks by Non-State Armed Groups in Namuno district (Marrumeia community) triggered 958 individual displacement movements from Hucula locality to Namuno sede, (Milipone locality). An estimate of 100 Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs)…


Displacement Tracking Matrix - Mozambique, Emergency Tracking Tool (ETT) Movement Alert 70, Cabo Delgado - Chiure district Update 26 October 2022

Fear of attacks, confirmed attacks by Non-State Armed Groups in Chiure district (Katapua localitiy) triggered 15,280 individual displacement movements within Chiure and from Katapua locality to Namuno, Quissanga, and Nampula (Namapa locality). An estimate of 515…

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