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Mozambique - Floods (MDRMZ010) Emergency Appeal Final Report

Period covered by this Final Report: 1 March to 30 November 2013 Appeal target (current): CHF 1,466,456 Appeal coverage: 94% Appeal History: A Preliminary Emergency Appeal was launched on 1 February for CHF 662,337 in cash, kind, or services…


Mozambique : Floods Operation update n°4 MDRMZ010

Period covered by this update: 20 August 2013 to 14 October, 2013 Appeal Target (current): CHF 2,044,428 Appeal coverage: 75% Appeal history:  A Preliminary Emergency Appeal was launched on 1 February for CHF 662,337 in cash, kind, or services…


Mozambique : Floods Operation update n°3 MDRMZ010

Period covered by this update: 21 March to 31 July, 2013 Appeal coverage: 94% Appeal history:  A Preliminary Emergency Appeal was launched on 1 February for CHF 662,337 in cash, kind, or services to support the Mozambique…

Mozambique + 11 more

Southern Africa Humanitarian Bulletin: Issue 11, June 2013

HIGHLIGHTS An estimated 518,000 people across southern Africa were affected by floods and storms during the 2012/2013 rainfall season. The most affected country was Mozambique, where 250,000 people received humanitarian assistance. Due in part to the sub-optimal temporal distribution…


Mozambique floods: gain and loss on the Licungo river

By Maurice Geary, Logistics Advisor, Concern Worldwide When the rains came in Zambezia Province in central Mozambique, people collected their belongings and left their traditionally built homes behind to head for higher ground. They resettled in scattered…

News and Press Release
17 May 2013


Mozambique: Destruction from the floods is still evident

By Dominique Bovens, Save the Children in Mozambique Members of the Sangene community in the flood-affected Chokwe district of Mozambique wait patiently in the shade of a large tree as the Save the Children team registers the…

News and Press Release
Save the Children
19 Apr 2013

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