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Mozambique: Cyclone DINEO Office of the Resident Coordinator – Flash update No. 3 (as of 20 February 2017, 02:00 PM)

Highlights In Inhambane province, 70 health units were affected and 1,687 classrooms partially destroyed affecting 160,000 students; 949 people were hosted in three transit centers during the cyclone in Maxixe city, Inhambane province; One death was reported in Gaza…

Situation Report
UN RC/HC Mozambique
20 Feb 2017


WFP Mozambique Situation Report #3, 12 February 2017

In Numbers 2.1 million people acutely food insecure 616,744 people reached in January 589,458 people reached under FFA/GFD 13,780 children reached with school meals 13,506 displaced people assisted 1,615 received nutrition rehabilitation support Highlights Heavy rainfall and flash floods in parts of Manica province…


WFP Mozambique Country Brief, December 2016

Highlights Mozambique is now entering the peak of the lean season, the period leading up to the next harvest in March/April. WFP has scaled up its ongoing El Niño drought response. In December, WFP reached a total 629,612…


ACAPS Briefing Note: Mozambique - Floods (26 January 2017)

Crisis overview Since the beginning of January 2017, heavy seasonal rains have been affecting central and southern provinces in Mozambique. 44 people have died and 79,000 have been affected. The Mozambican authorities issued an orange alert for…


WFP Mozambique Situation Report #2, 17 January 2017

In Numbers 1.4 million people food insecure 629,612 people reached in December 622,765 people reached under FFA/GFD 6,847 received nutrition support Highlights Mozambique is now entering the peak of the lean season. The period leading up to the next harvest in March/April…


2016 Strategic Response Plan: Mozambique

Summary Mozambique is experiencing its most severe drought in more than 30 years. The drought is affecting approximately 1.5 million people in seven provinces in the Southern and Central regions of the country. Due to the seriousness…

UNCT Mozambique, UN RC/HC Mozambique
9 Jan 2017


Mozambique: Drought Humanitarian Situation Report, December 2016

Highlights • Following a new joint Government/Humanitarian Country Team assessment of the IDP situation in Manica province, UNICEF will be supporting a WASH and Nutrition response for 3,600 IDPs consisting of WASH non-food items (NFIs) and a…


WFP Mozambique Country Brief, November 2016

Highlights WFP has scaled up its ongoing El Niño drought response and in November reached over half a million people, with life-saving assistance in affected areas. Food access remains constrained due to the extremely high staple food prices,…

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