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Approche Post-RRM au Mali

Contexte Au Mali, une crise persistante, caractérisée par l’insécurité, les conflits et les aléas climatiques, continue de provoquer des déplacements massifs de population, touchant plus de 391 961 Personnes Déplacées Internes (PDI) (DTM DNDS, septembre 2023). Ces…

Manual and Guideline
ACTED, Govt. Mali, OCHA
8 Jan 2024


UNHCR Mali Factsheet - November 2023

Highlights 252 Burkinabé refugees in the Sikasso region received cash assistance to construct shelters. 10 refugee students including 5 girls benefited from the DAFI scholarship. 1,706 people including 1,016 men, 490 women, 115 boys, and 85 girls identified in…

Mali + 14 more

West Africa Price Bulletin, December 2023

The Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET) monitors trends in staple food prices in countries vulnerable to food insecurity. For each FEWS NET country and region, the Price Bulletin provides a set of charts showing…


Mali Price Bulletin, December 2023

The Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET) monitors trends in staple food prices in countries vulnerable to food insecurity. For each FEWS NET country and region, the Price Bulletin provides a set of charts showing…

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