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In Her Words - A Malian entrepreneur gets the tools to grow

I have always believed that better tools give better results. For many years, farmers in West Africa have been struggling with low yields because good-quality seeds are not easily available. Most people need a little convincing to…

News and Press Release
12 Mar 2012


Mali: plus de 172.000 déplacés et réfugiés par les combats dans le Nord

Ecouter les nouvelles Plus de 172.000 personnes ont fui les combats qui opposent depuis mi-janvier dans le nord du Mali des rebelles touareg et des militaires maliens. Selon le Bureau des Nations unies pour la coordination des…

News and Press Release
UN Radio
9 Mar 2012

Mali + 1 more

AU’s response to the Sahelian crisis

Press release N°011/2012 Addis Ababa, 09 March 2012 - The Chairperson of the African Union Commission, Mr. Jean Ping, notes with deep concern of the deteriorating humanitarian situation and the unfolding complex emergency in the Sahel region, which…

News and Press Release
9 Mar 2012


Data Review and Humanitarian Analysis – Ageing

Mali humanitarian overview In the coming months, the food crisis in Mali has the potential to affect 3.5 millioni in 55 of the country’s communes (out of 272). The recent offensive of the National Liberation Front of…

Mali + 5 more

Famine au Sahel

La famine est un problème chronique du Sahel, mais la sécheresse qui sévit actuellement a anéanti les cultures et aggravé la situation alimentaire. Des millions de personnes sont menacées. La communauté internationale en est-elle consciente? Eric Munoz,…

News and Press Release
9 Mar 2012

Mali + 2 more

Peace and Security Council Report No 32, March 2012

Senegal The ongoing crisis in Senegal, a country that was often held up as an African model state, could threaten the democratic process. The lack of trust in the courts and the election commission could also complicate the…

Mali + 4 more

Situation au Mali - Bulletin spécial nº 4, 8 mars 2012

I. EVENEMENTS CLES Plus de 172.000 personnes déplacées par le conflit, dont 90.000 hors des frontières Les acteurs humanitaires dans le nord du Mali se coordonnent au mieux sur le terrain Propositions CERF en cours pour la Mauritanie et…

Mali + 4 more

UNICEF WCARO Situation Update - 5 March 2012 - UNICEF response to displaced populations and children at risk in Northern Mali and neighbouring countries

Highlights •The growing insecurity in the North of Mali due to clashes between the “Mouvement National de l‘Azawat” (MNLA) and government forces has caused thousands people to flee from Mali to Mauritania, Niger, Burkina Faso and Algeria.…

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