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Mali + 2 more

Mali Operation - Niger Overview (As of 20 May 2013)

Operational Highlights The security situation, had remained largely calm during the month of May. Following recent events, in particular the arrival of an estimated 2,367 Niger citizens and 126 Nigeria citizens from Nigeria , as well as…

Mali + 3 more

Mali Operation Regional Overview (as of 10 May 2013)

The security situation, which had remained largely calm during the month of April, deteriorated on the 21st April with the takeover of Ber, located 53 km east of Timbuktu, by the Mouvement Arabe de l’Azawad (MAA),…

Mali + 3 more

Mali Humanitarian Snapshot (as of 8 May 2013)

WASH Since the beginning of the year 71,428 persons have received permanent access to an improved potable water source and 454,567 people received temporary access to potable chlorinated water. Roughly 15 per cent of the 1,222 Health…

Mali + 3 more

Mali : Aperçu humanitaire (au 8 mai 2013)

PRIORITÉS IDENTIFIÉES Eau, hygiène et assainissement Depuis le début de l'année, 71 428 personnes ont bénéficié d'un accès permanent à une source améliorée d'eau potable et 454 567 personnes ont eu un accès temporaire à l'eau chlorée potable. Environ…

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