Cartes / Infographies

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Mali: Tableau de bord humanitaire 2015 (Octobre 2015)

APERÇU DE LA SITUATION À la suite de l’achèvement du processus de signature d’un accord de paix et de réconciliation par toutes les parties au conflit en juin 2015 un calme relatif a été observé dans les…


Mali: 2015 Humanitarian Dashboard (October 2015)

SITUATION OVERVIEW Following the completion, in June 2015, of the signing process of the Agreement for Peace and Reconciliation by all parties, a relative calm has been observed in conflict-affected areas. It is estimated that around 423,400…


Mali : Aperçu humanitaire (août - septembre 2015)

Les inondations enregistrées en juillet-aout 2015 au pays ont fait au moins 4 victimes et affecté 14 600 autres personnes. Plus de 1 800 maisons ont été détruites/endommagées et des centaines de champs inondés, principalement dans…


Mali : Humanitarian Snapshot (August - September 2015)

At least 4 people died and 14,600 others were affected because of the floods recorded in July-August 2015 in the country. More than 1,800 homes have been destroyed/damaged and hundreds of fields flooded, mainly in the regions…

Mali + 9 more

Sahel Crisis: Population Movement (as of 23 Sept 2015)

These maps show displacements of populations in the Sahel due to ongoing regional crises, including Boko Haram-related violence in northeast Nigeria, the conflict in the neighbouring Central African Republic, and the unrest in northern Mali.

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