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La reprise de l’école à Kidal assujettie au retour de la paix

Dans l’attente de la signature de l’Accord de paix par toutes les parties, la MINUSMA, à travers sa Division des Affaires Civiles, poursuit ses efforts aux côtés des populations maliennes directement affectées par le conflit pour…

News and Press Release
1 Jun 2015


The global education challenge: making the grade in Mali

In 2000, world leaders promised all the world’s children would have a primary school education. We visited a school in Bamako to get a snapshot of progress Sabalibougou district school is set back from the main road,…

News and Press Release
23 Apr 2015

Mali + 1 more

Birth certificates issued by Mali open doors for Mauritanian refugee children

KAYES, Mali, April 20 (UNHCR) A quarter century after his grandfather fled from Mauritania to escape bitter inter-communal violence, 13-year-old Oumar stood with other young Mauritanian refugees to receive birth certificates in Mali – a step…

News and Press Release
20 Apr 2015


UNICEF Mali Humanitarian Situation Report, 31 March 2015

Highlights Although Mali has been declared Ebola free on January 18th, 2015, UNICEF has continued advocating on the importance of prevention efforts, especially in the neighboring districts with Guinea where new cases have been recently confirmed. Social…


Mali: Bulletin Humanitaire, Février - Mars 2015

FAITS SAILLANTS Malnutrition : situation sérieuse par endroits dans la région de Gao Appui communautaire pour la réouverture des écoles dans la région de Kidal 15 % de la population totale touchés par l'insécurité alimentaire Violences basées sur le genre…


Mali: Humanitarian Bulletin (February - March 2015)

HIGHLIGHTS Malnutrition: Serious situation in some parts of the region of Gao Community support for the re-opening of schools in the region of Kidal 15% of the total population affected by food insecurity Gender-based violence: 3/4 of cases are not…

Mali + 3 more

Mali Regional Crisis Situation Report #1, 25 March 2015

Situation Update According to UNHCR, there are some 86,000 internally displaced persons in Mali and 16,000 returnees. Burkina Faso shelters 32,000 Malian refugees, while Mauritania and Niger host 52,000 and 49,000 Malian refugees, respectively. WFP Response Under its Protracted…

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