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UNHCR Mali Factsheet - June 2021

HIGHLIGHTS 1,237 Documented protection incidents 1,116 Persons on the move identified in mixed flows. 1,593 Households provided with Non-Food-Items kits in 2021. 1,688 Households provided with shelter assistance, in 2021. MAIN ACTIVITIES Protection Cluster ■ In June 2021, the Protection Monitoring System recorded…

Mali + 4 more

Mali : Rapport Matrice de Suivi des Déplacements (DTM) Avril 2021

RÉSUMÉ La Matrice de Suivi des Déplacements, (Displacement Tracking Matrix – DTM, en anglais), est un outil de l’Organisation Internationale pour les Migrations (OIM), qui permet de suivre et de surveiller les déplacements et la mobilité des…

IOM, Govt. Mali, UNHCR
2 Jun 2021


WFP Mali Country Brief, April 2021

In Numbers 150 mt of food assistance distributed USD 5.7 m cash-based transfers made USD 87.4 six months (May-October 2021) net funding requirements 538,592 people assisted in April 2021 Operational Updates • WFP’s emergency food assistance through cash-based transfers for April and…


UNICEF Mali Humanitarian Situation Report No. 3: March 2021

Highlights The third wave of the Covid-19 pandemic rose in March in Mali with an average of 630 cases per week. The country received 396,000 doses of AstraZeneca vaccine through the COVAX initiative. The Covid-19 vaccination campaign…


UNHCR Mali Factsheet - April 2021

HIGHLIGHTS 635 Documented protection incidents 1,204 Persons on the move identified in mixed flows 1,251 Households provided with non-food items (NFIs) in 2021 1,407 Households provided with shelter assistance, in 2021 MAIN ACTIVITIES Protection Cluster In April 2021, 635 protection incidents were recorded…

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