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Mali: Humanitarian Bulletin (November 2012)

HIGHLIGHTS Some 510,000 people are estimated to be affected by severe and moderate food insecurity in the northern regions of Mali. As of 27 November 2012, a total number of 54,932 children under-5 have been admitted in URENAS/URENI…

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Niños refugiados en Mali: lenta vuelta al cole

Madrid, 29 de Noviembre de 2012.- Los niños de Malí refugiados en Níger comienzan a ser integrados en el sistema escolar oficial. Después de 10 meses recibiendo clases en los campamentos 60 niños, niñas y adolescentes…

News and Press Release
Plan International
29 Nov 2012


Catch-up lessons keep displaced Malian pupils on track

23 November 2012: Minthi, 13, is one of hundreds of children who are getting their education back on track after being forced to flee violence in northern Mali, thanks to Plan-supported ‘catch-up’ lessons. Eight months ago, Minthi…

News and Press Release
Plan International
29 Nov 2012


UNICEF Mali Situation Report - 29 October 2012

HEADLINES The UN Security Council has unanimously approved Resolution 2071 (2012) requesting a plan for a military operation in northern Mali within 45 days. To lay the roadmap the AU, EU and UN met with the Malian…

Mali + 6 more

Mali Situation Update No 12, 1 November 2012

GENERAL HIGHLIGHTS As of 1 November, the total number of Malian refugees in Niger, Burkina Faso, Mauritania, Algeria, Togo and Guinea is 208,306 persons. The new figure of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Mali as a result…

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