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ONUFemmes Mali Bulletin Humanitaire, 3-4 juin 2013

Faits saillants • La violence et l'insécurité persistent dans le nord du Mali et on assiste à la reprise des hostilités le 4 Juin 2013 entre les forces du MNLA et l'armée malienne à Kidal. Les femmes…


UNW Mali Humanitarian Bulletin, 3-4 June 2013

Highlights • Violence and insecurity persist in North Mali as hostilities resumed on the 4 June 2013 between MNLA forces and the Malian Army in Kidal. • Ms. Alwata Ishata Sahi Malian Minister for Women Affairs launched UNW…


School of Hope brings education to Malian children with hearing impairments

By Alex Duval Smith Like all children, those with disabilities have many abilities, but are often excluded from society by discrimination and lack of support, leaving them among the most invisible and vulnerable children in the world. On…

News and Press Release
4 Jun 2013


UNICEF Mali Situation Report, May 2013

HEADLINES Cholera has broken out in northern Mali’s Gao region, with 21 cases and 2 deaths reported. UNICEF, in collaboration with the World Health Organization and Cluster partners, is providing technical and material assistance through the Cholera…

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