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Children return to school in the North

More than 80% of pupils have returned to school in the North of Mali. This shows an improvement compared with the previous years during which many schools were closed due to insecurity. But the insufficient numbers…

News and Press Release
UNICEF, Save the Children, Education Cluster
23 Apr 2014


Mali Bulletin humanitaire, mars 2014

FAITS SAILLANTS Plus de 1,5 million de personnes sont touchées par l’insécurité alimentaire sévère. Environ 172 000 élèves sont inscrits dans les écoles du nord pour l’année scolaire 2013/2014. Une enquête conduite auprès d’environ 4 000 personnes à Tombouctou…


Mali: Humanitarian Bulletin (March 2014)

HIGHLIGHTS More than 1.5 million people are affected by severe food insecurity. Approximately 172,000 pupils enrolled in the north during the 2013/2014 school year. A survey of almost 4,000 people in Timbuktu indicated that 78 per cent are still…

Mali + 5 more

$5.3 million to Right To Play for Sport for Development

The Government of Canada is committed to sport and play as powerful tools to achieving health, education and conflict-resolution goals in developing countries. To mark the first International Day of Sport for Development and Peace, Canada announced…

News and Press Release
Govt. Canada
9 Apr 2014

Mali + 3 more

Mali Situation Regional External Update: January-February 2014

HIGHLIGHT Mali: On January 21 2014 a meeting was held at the request of the Ministry of Territorial Administration with the participation of all concerned ministries and UNHCR regarding the voluntary repatriation process. The meeting was to…


UNICEF Mali Situation Report, March 2014

Highlights Seven boys formerly associated with the armed groups, who had been staying in the UNICEF supported transit centre, were reunified with their families. UNICEF responded to a measles outbreak in Koro, Mopti region, which affected 20 people…

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