Cartes / Infographies

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Mali: Humanitarian Dashboard (as of May 2016)

SITUATION OVERVIEW Internally displaced persons continue to return progressively while refugees’ voluntary returns increased over the last months. About 468,400 people who fled the violence in the north and center of the country have now returned home.…


Mali: Tableau de bord humanitaire (Mai 2016)

APERÇU DE LA SITUATION Les retours des personnes déplacées internes se poursuivent progressivement tandis que les retours volontaires des réfugiés se sont accélérés au cours des derniers mois. Environ 468 400 personnes ayant fui les violences dans…

Mali + 1 more

Mali: Humanitarian Dashboard (as of April 2016)

SITUATION OVERVIEW In several regions affected by the conflict in the North and centre of the country, the absence of the administration is limiting people’s access to basic social services. Despite the efforts made by education partners…

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