Cartes / Infographies

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Mali: Tableau de bord humanitaire (mai 2018)

APERÇU DE LA SITUATION La situation sécuritaire dans le nord et le centre du pays se dégrade de plus en plus avec un nombre croissant d’incidents affectant les civils. Les affrontements entre groupes armés ainsi que les…


Mali: Humanitarian Dashboard (as of May 2018)

SITUATION OVERVIEW The security situation in the north and centre of the country is deteriorating further with an increasing number of incidents affecting civilians. Clashes between armed groups and intercommunity conflicts and tensions continue to lead to…


Mali: Humanitarian Response Plan (January-December 2018)

Strategic Objectives The Mali Humanitarian Response Plan aims to provide assistance to the most vulnerable, to strengthen access to basic social services, to improve livelihoods and resilience, and to strengthen emergency preparedness. It is part of the…

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