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Mali + 14 more

Mediterranean Review - 03 April 2012

This document provides an overview of developments in the Mediterranean Basin and other regions of interest from 27 March—02 April, with hyperlinks to source material highlighted and underlined in the text. For more information on the…

News and Press Release
6 Apr 2012

Mali + 5 more

West Africa: why Mali conflict will increase hunger

By Ellie Matthews April 5, 2012 at 9:30 am So a food crisis stems from a shortage of food, right? Not necessarily. When communities are in food crisis, it is usually because people are unable to grow or…

News and Press Release
British Red Cross
5 Apr 2012

Mali + 5 more

Situation update, n°3 - 30 March 2012

Highlights • The High Commissioner, Antonio Guterres visited Mbera refugee camp in Mauritania on 26 March and met with refugee representatives. • New influx in Burkina Faso following the military coup in Mali: With the re-opening of the…

Mali + 6 more

Situation update, n°2 - 19 March 2012

Highlights • New rapid protection assessments: UNHCR emergency teams in Niger, Burkina Faso and Mauritania continue to undertake rapid protection assessments of the displaced populations, registration, relocation of refugees to safer places, as well as life-saving activities…

Mali + 3 more

Situation au Mali - Bulletin spécial nº 7, 29 mars 2012

Evènements clés Mali : situation politique instable, les rebelles touaregs attaquent Kidal Mauritanie : le CERF accorde plus de 3,45 millions de dollars pour la crise des réfugiés Niger : fortes divergences dans le décompte des réfugiés entre le…

Mali + 6 more

ECHO Crisis Report on Mali - N°2 (21/2/12 - 27/3/12)

OVERALL SITUATION The number of people fleeing the fighting which started in northern Mali on 17 January between the Malian Army and Touareg rebels from the National Movement of Liberation of Azawad (MNLA) is increasing. The fighting…

Mali + 5 more

Décision d'exécution de la commission du xxx relative au financement d'actions d'aide humanitaire d'urgence en Afrique de l’Ouest sur le budget général de l'Union européenne (echo/-wf/bud/2012/01000)

DÉCISION D'EXÉCUTION DE LA COMMISSION du XXX relative au financement d'actions d'aide humanitaire d'urgence en Afrique de l’Ouest sur le budget général de l'Union européenne (ECHO/-WF/BUD/2012/01000) LA COMMISSION EUROPÉENNE, Vu le traité sur le fonctionnement de l'Union européenne, Vu…

Mali + 5 more

Sahel: Malian refugees risk being "forgotten"

DAKAR, 28 March 2012 (IRIN) - Mali is facing its "worst humanitarian crisis for 20 years", brought on by a combination of food insecurity affecting around three million, some 93,500 internally displaced persons (IDPs) in northern…

News and Press Release
28 Mar 2012

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