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Mali + 3 more

Mali Urgence complexe Rapport de situation No. 11

I. FAITS SAILLANTS/PRINCIPALES PRIORITES Les affrontements violents qui ont eu lieu entre le MNLA et les islamistes MUJAO dans la ville de Gao, les 26 et 27 juin, ont fait au moins 35 morts et 41 blessés. Le…

Mali + 3 more

Mali Complex Emergency Situation Report No. 11

I. HIGHLIGHTS/KEY PRIORITIES · Violent confrontations between the MNLA and MUJAO Islamists in the town of Gao on 26 and 27 June left at least 35 persons dead and 41 persons injured. · The total number of internally…


Empêcher la propagation du choléra près de Gao

05-07-2012 Communiqué de presse 12/137 Genève / Niamey (CICR) – Depuis ce lundi 2 juillet, 32 cas de choléra ont été recensés dans le village de Wabaria, situé au bord du fleuve Niger, à proximité de Gao,…

News and Press Release
6 Jul 2012


Preventing the spread of cholera near Gao

Geneva/Niamey (ICRC) – Since Monday 2 July, 32 cases of cholera have been identified in the village of Wabaria, situated along the Niger River near Gao in northern Mali. The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)…

News and Press Release
5 Jul 2012

Mali + 3 more

UNHCR Mali Situation Update no 7, 4 July 2012

Highlights • The current political instability in Bamako and the insecurity in northern Mali continue to trigger important influxes of refugees into neighboring countries. While the flow of new arrivals are stable in Burkina Faso and Niger,…

Mali + 5 more

Amending Commission Decision C(2012) 2230 of 28 March 2012 on the financing of emergency humanitarian aid action in West Africa from the general budget of the European Union (ECHO/-WF/BUD/2012/01000)

THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION, Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, Having regard to Council Regulation (EC) No 1257/96 of 20 June 1996 concerning humanitarian aid, and in particular Articles 2(a) and 13 thereof, Whereas: (1)…


UNICEF Mali Monthly Situation Report - 25 June 2012

Highlights Now in the height of the lean season, the worst is yet to come for children in Mali. While 4.6 million Malians face food insecurity this year, 385,000 children under five years old are at risk…

Mali + 4 more

Mali Complex Emergency Situation Report No. 10

This report is produced by the OCHA Regional Office for West and Central Africa in Dakar in collaboration with humanitarian partners and is issued by OCHA Headquarters in New York. It covers the period from 20…

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