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Libya + 2 more

Libya - Complex Emergency Fact Sheet #2, Fiscal Year (FY) 2021

SITUATION AT A GLANCE 6.6 MILLION Estimated Population of Libya UN – November 2018 823,000 MILLION Estimated Number of People in Need of Humanitarian Assistance in Libya UN – July 2021 212,593 IDPs in Libya IOM – June 2021 643,123…


Libya: UNICEF Programme Monthly Update (September 2021)

Education and Youth In September 2021, and in collaboration with implementing partners, UNICEF provided 1,157 children (606 girls, 551 boys), including 378 migrants, with access to non-formal education services in Tripoli, Sabratha, Zwara, Misrata, Benghazi and Sabha.…


Libya: Ubari Area-Based Assessment (ABA), October 2021

1. INTRODUCTION Abu Salim is one of the 12 municipalities comprising the Greater Tripoli Region and is the largest in terms of both area and population, hosting approximately 380,000 residents. Since 2011, the municipality has experienced extensive…

Libya + 2 more

Solicitantes de asilo capturados en Libia no tienen un lugar seguro al cual ir

En medio de redadas de seguridad, personas refugiadas y solicitantes de asilo en Trípoli requieren asistencia y protección urgentemente. Por: Mohamed Alalem y Anas Abumais en Trípoli, Libia Hamza*, un mecánico de 17 años, fue atrapado cuando, en…

News and Press Release
20 Oct 2021

Libya + 2 more

Pris au piège en Libye, les demandeurs d’asile n’ont pas d’endroit sûr où aller

Désespérés, réfugiés et demandeurs d’asile à Tripoli ont urgemment besoin d’assistance et de protection sur fond de perquisitions et d’arrestations. Par Mohamed Alalem et Anas Abumais à Tripoli, Libye. Lorsque les forces libyennes ont mené une opération de…

News and Press Release
20 Oct 2021

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