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The Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus Approach: South Libya

WeWorld-GVC Programmatic HDP Nexus Approach for South Libya based on Intermediate Outcome Design WeWorld-GVC has been operating in Libya since 2018, building upon its expertise in the HDP Nexus with an integrated protection approach. It directs its…


Nexus Profile: The South and West Libya

Practical Analysis of the Region for Nexus Practitioners in Libya This Nexus profile constitutes an overview of the country's most relevant issues and needs from a political, economic and social point of view. It can provide orientation…

Libya + 1 more

At least 70 Migrants Reported Dead or Missing off Libya

Tripoli – At least 70 migrants are missing at sea and presumed dead off the Libyan shore in the past two weeks, according to the International Organization for Migration (IOM). On 12 March, a boat reportedly carrying…

News and Press Release
17 Mar 2022

Libya + 1 more

IOM Assists More than 500 Nigerians Stranded in Libya Safely Return Home

Lagos – The International Organization for Migration (IOM) yesterday assisted the safe return home of 162 Nigerian migrants from Libya, the fourth such charter flight for this year. So far 19,452 Nigerians have been assisted to…

News and Press Release
16 Mar 2022

Libya + 1 more

Libya Humanitarian Response Plan 2022 (December 2021) [EN/AR]

English version

HC foreword The past year has brought Libya several tangible developments that have benefitted the population including the most vulnerable. The cessation of major hostilities codified in the Ceasefire Agreement of October 2020, the subsequent resumption of…

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