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Libya: The Humanitarian Emergency We See and the One We Don't

Libya, Internal Displacement, Migration Elizabeth Ferris, Senior Fellow, Foreign Policy The Brookings Institution March 25, 2011 - The conflict in Libya, as with conflicts everywhere, is displacing large numbers of people. Around 350,000 people have fled Libya in the past month - most…

News and Press Release
Brookings Institution
25 Mar 2011


Libya: Questions and Answers on Laws-of-War Issues

(New York, March 25, 2011) ­- Human Rights Watch today issued a series of questions and answers about aspects of international humanitarian law - the laws of war - governing the armed conflict between the government of Libya and…

News and Press Release
25 Mar 2011

Libya + 6 more

Libyan Arab Jamahiriyah: Crisis Situation Report No. 16

This report is produced by OCHA Libya. The next report will be issued on or around 27 March. I. HIGHLIGHTS/KEY PRIORITIES - Hostilities continue in several locations including Mistrata, Ajdabiyah and Zintan, where protection of civilians and humanitarian needs remain the…

Libya + 1 more

Libya: 600,000 may need help

Given the dramatic developments of recent days with the announcement of a no-fly zone over Libya and the shelling of General Gaddafi's military strongholds, ACT Alliance is now preparing to meet a large-scale and long-term requirement for humanitarian assistance in…

News and Press Release
ACT Alliance
22 Mar 2011

Libya + 2 more

Update no 12: Humanitarian Situation in Libya and the Neighbouring Countries

Highlights - The coalition continued to enforce UN Security Council Resolution 1973 by attacking Libya's command-and-control facilities, air defense sites as well as some ground forces in Libya. At the same time, pro-Gaddafi troops are reportedly continuing their offences. Increased internal…

Libya + 6 more

Libyan Arab Jamahiriyah: Crisis Situation Report No. 15

I. HIGHLIGHTS/KEY PRIORITIES - On 22 March, the Humanitarian Coordinator for Libya briefed Member States in Geneva on the humanitarian situation resulting from the Libyan crisis. - To date, more than 335,658 people have left fled Libya since the beginning of…


Q&A: Human Rights and War in Libya

21 March 2011 Following a United Nations Security Council resolution on 18 March 2011 to allow foreign military action against Libya, conflict still rages between al-Gaddafi's forces, rebels based in Benghazi, and international forces attacking from the air. Amnesty International examines…

News and Press Release
21 Mar 2011

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