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Libya: The IRC warns of public health crisis in flood affected areas

**Tripoli, Libya, September 18, 2023 — ** The International Rescue Committee (IRC) is issuing a critical warning about a rapidly escalating public health crisis in flood-affected parts of Libya, with particular concern for the residents of…

News and Press Release
18 Sep 2023


Libya: Flash Appeal Flood Response, September 2023

IBC FLASH APPEAL RESPONDING LİBYA FLOOD Background On September 10th, Storm Daniel struck northeastern Libya, causing torrential rains and flash floods that affected numerous cities and towns. The human casualties are substantial and are expected to increase further.…


UNHCR Libya Flash Update #1 14 September 2023

SITUATION UPDATE On 9-11 September, Storm Daniel – a tropical-like cyclone known as a medicane – hit eastern Libya. Severe weather conditions including strong winds, sudden heavy rainfall and widespread floods have affected several areas along the…


Libya, MENA region | Storm Daniel - Emergency Appeal No: MDRLY005

SITUATION OVERVIEW On Sunday, September 10, storm Daniel hit north-eastern Libya, bringing high winds and sudden, heavy rainfall. The storm affected major population centres including Benghazi, Tobruk, Toukra, Talmeitha, Almarj, Taknes (AI Jabal Al Akhdar), Al Owailia,…

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