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Libya + 3 more

UNHCR Update Libya (8 February 2019) [EN/AR]

English version

Key figures: 170,490 Libyans currently internally displaced (IDPs) 445,845 returned IDPs (returns registered in 2016 - 2018) 56,484 registered refugees and asylumseekers in the State of Libya 202 overall persons arrived in Italy 1,494 monitoring visits to detention centres in 2018…

Situation Report
8 Feb 2019
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Libya + 1 more

2018 Multi-Sector Needs Assessment, February 2019

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Armed conflict and political instability since 2011 has affected millions of people across Libya. The highly volatile security situation and protracted conflict, intensified in March 2014 causing large waves of internal displacement and migration toward…

Libya + 4 more

UNHCR Resettlement Update #47 - Libya-Niger Situation

Persons of Concern to UNHCR in Libya As of 4 February 2019, a total of 56,473 asylum seekers and refugees are registered with UNHCR in Libya. A total of 4,173 individuals have been identified by UNHCR and…


UNICEF Libya Humanitarian Situation Update - 31 December 2018

Highlights • Out of the targeted 2.75 million children, 2.65 million children across Libya were vaccinated through the national vaccination campaign against Measles, Rubella (2,654,466 children reached, 96.3% of targeted children) and Polio (1,423,957 children reached, 97.7%…

Libya + 3 more

UNHCR Update Libya (1 February 2019) [EN/AR]

English version

Highlights UNHCR international staff visited Benghazi. The greater Benghazi area is hosting the largest number of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Libya with 26,100 IDPs and 189,025 IDP returnees. The majority face difficulties accessing safe and dignified…

Situation Report
1 Feb 2019
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2019 Libya Humanitarian Response Plan (January - December 2019)

Response Plan

TOTAL POPULATION OF LIBYA 6.6M Libyans + 0.67M Migrants/Refugees PEOPLE IN NEED 823K PEOPLE TARGETED 552K FUNDING REQUIREMENTS $202M APPEALING ORAGANIZATIONS 23 FOREWORD BY THE HUMANITARIAN COORDINATOR Seven years of instability and insecurity have taken their toll on the wellbeing of many…


Humanitarian Action for Children 2019 - Libya

Total people in need: 823,000 Total children (<18) in need: 241,000 Total people to be reached: 311,000 Total children to be reached: 250,000 2019 programme targets Health and nutrition 21,750 people receiving a minimum package of health services through fixed or mobile…

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