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Libya + 18 more

UNHCR Resettlement Update #85 - Libya-Niger Situation

Persons of Concern to UNHCR in Libya As of 4 November 2019, a total of 44,963 asylum seekers and refugees are registered with UNHCR in Libya. A total of 2,903 individuals have been identified by UNHCR and its…

Libya + 2 more

IOM Libya Update, 16 - 31 October 2019

ASSISTANCE TO MIGRANTS AND LIBYAN COMMUNITIES 16-31 October The Protection team carried out 50 protection assessments (32 male and 18 female), including 14 child protection assessments. In this period, 11 hygiene and clothing kits were distributed to protection…

Libya + 2 more

UNHCR Update Libya (1 November 2019 )

Population movements As of 1 November, over 8,155 refugees and migrants were rescued/intercepted at sea by the Libyan Coast Guard and disembarked in Libya. In October, 1,113 refugees and migrants disembarked in Tripoli (703 individuals), Al Khums…

Libya + 18 more

UNHCR Resettlement Update #84 - Libya-Niger Situation

Persons of Concern to UNHCR in Libya As of 28 October 2019, a total of 46,320 asylum seekers and refugees are registered with UNHCR in Libya. A total of 3,139 individuals have been identified by UNHCR and…

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