Cartes / Infographies

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Libya: Humanitarian Access Snapshot (April 2022)

Overview The number of reported access constraints this month has remained at 25, similar to March 2022. Of these, 92 per cent directly impacted INGOs, mostly affecting operations in Tripoli and Benghazi. For the first time this year,…


Libya: Humanitarian Access Snapshot (March 2022)

The month of March has seen a 22 per cent reduction in the number of access constraints reported by partners since February. Out of 15 reporting partners, six did not face any access impediments this month.…


Libya: Humanitarian Access Snapshot (February 2022)

Overview During February, humanitarian partners reported more stringent financial regulations imposed on cash withdrawals and local and international transactions. Measures similar to a circular from 2016 were imposed by officials at some banks utilized by INGOs, including limiting…

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