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Libya: Tawergha Return - Weekly Update 2, 24/02/2018

CONTEXT Tawerghan IDPs are facing multiple challenges that continue to prevent them from returning to their homes. School holidays have been underway since the 23rd February, resulting in a consistent increase in the number of IDPs…


Libya: Tawergha Return - Weekly Update 1, 16/02/2018

CONTEXT Since August 2011, approximately 40,000 Tawerghans have been displaced from Tawergha (40 KM south of Misrata), Tawergha has been one of the most affected areas during the Libyan crisis with schools, hospitals and shops having been heavily damaged.…

Libya + 11 more

Libya: Activities at Disembarkation, Monthly Update - January 2018

Libya continues to be the main transit point for departure from North Africa towards Europe.UNHCR's interventions at disembarkation points in Libya focus on the provision of life-saving assistance and protection monitoring, to identify persons in need of…

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