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Libya + 11 more

Libya: Activities at Disembarkation, Monthly Update - April 2021

Libya continues to be a transit point for departure from North Africa towards Europe. UNHCR's interventions at disembarkation points in Libya focus on the provision of life-saving assistance and protection monitoring, to identify persons in need…

Libya + 11 more

Libya: Activities at Disembarkation, Monthly Update - March 2021

Libya continues to be a transit point for departure from North Africa towards Europe. UNHCR's interventions at disembarkation points in Libya focus on the provision of life-saving assistance and protection monitoring, to identify persons in need…


Libya: Humanitarian Access Snapshot (March 2021)

OVERVIEW were five per cent lower than those reported in February. Nearly half of all reported constraints are bureaucratic restrictions hindering movements into and within Libya. Reports of incidents involving interference in the implementation of humanitarian activities…


Libya: Humanitarian Access Snapshot (February 2021)

OVERVIEW February saw a decrease in access constraints by nearly 33%. In a continuing trend that dates back to March 2020, bureaucratic restrictions impeding movement of humanitarian agencies, personnel and goods make up the bulk of reported…

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