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Libya + 5 more

UNHCR Update Libya (14 February 2020)

Highlights Following UNHCR’s suspension of activities at the Gathering and Departure Facility (GDF), transfers of refugees and asylum-seekers to the urban community are ongoing. This week, some 300 individuals previously hosted at the GDF were transferred to…

Libya + 3 more

CrisisInSight Weekly Picks, 6 February 2020

Brazil Since 17 January heavy rain has affected the states of Minas Gerais and Espírito Santo, in south-eastern Brazil, triggering floods and landslides. Around 53,000 people have been displaced, 68 have been injured, and 58 have died.…

News and Press Release
6 Feb 2020

Libya + 1 more

Libya Humanitarian Needs Overview 2020 (January 2020)

Summary of Humanitarian Needs Executive summary Libya is in its ninth year of instability and conflict following the fall of the Gaddafi regime in 2011. In 2019, escalations in conflict, in both the south and in the country’s…

Libya + 1 more

WFP Libya Country Brief, November 2019

In Numbers 881 mt of food assistance distributed US$ 9 m six month (January – June 2020) net funding requirement 80,921 people assisted in November 2019 Operational Updates • In November 2019, WFP reached about 80,921 people in need through its…


UNICEF Libya Flash Update: Western Libya Response Update # 1, 10 January 2020

Situation in numbers 1.5 million people affected 500,000 children affected 149,315 Population displaced in Southern Tripoli Response 3,890 People reached with hygiene items 228 Children received winter clothes 24,000 People reached with primary health care services Humanitarian Situation Overview On 16 December, the General Commander…

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