
ReliefWeb results

Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)

Natural Hazards Monitoring - 21 August 2024

Severe weather Venezuela (update) On 19 August 2024, media reported that in la Portuguesa, Venezuela, heavy rains caused flooding, landslides, and the Los Giles creek to overflow. There were 40 homes damaged and five homes were destroyed. Landslides…

News and Press Release
22 Aug 2024


Report of the Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions in follow-up to his mission to Mexico (A/HRC/57/44/Add.1)

English version

Human Rights Council Fifty-seventh session 9 September–9 October 2024 Agenda item 3 Promotion and protection of all human rights, civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to development Summary At the invitation of the Government, the Working Group on…


Initial Assessment Report Hurricane Beryl: Barbados (12 August 2024)

The secondary data in this report is sourced from the Data Entry and Exploration Platform (DEEP) Atlantic-Caribbean Hurricane Season 2024 Project, launched on 03/07/2024, following Hurricane Beryl's impact on four Caribbean islands, including Barbados. Coordinated with…

Guatemala + 1 more

Natural Hazards Monitoring - 20 August 2024

Severe Weather Guatemala (Update) On 20 August 2024, the Guatemala National Coordination for Disaster Reduction (CONRED per its acronym in Spanish) updated their information regarding the rainy season, reporting there were 1,514 related incidents nationally. As of 20…

News and Press Release
21 Aug 2024

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