
ReliefWeb results

Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)

Venezuela Key Message Update: Millions of households remain in Crisis (IPC Phase 3) despite improvements in macroeconomics and food security indicators, April 2024

Key Messages Very poor households that receive their income in VED and lack access to government social programs or international remittances – especially in the urban and peri-urban areas of Distrito Capital, Anzoátegui, Guárico, Barinas, Apure and…


Haiti: Food Security Outlook Update, April 2024: Political crisis and insecurity drive Crisis (IPC Phase 3) and Emergency (IPC Phase 4) outcomes, impacting both the economy and the livelihoods of households

Key Messages Insecurity worsened in March compared to February, further heightening deficits in food consumption among poor households and unexpectedly increasing the number of people in need compared to February. In April, acute food security outcomes have…

El Salvador + 2 more

El Salvador, Honduras, y Nicaragua - Actualización de mensajes clave, abril 2024: Mejora en las condiciones de humedad para la producción de Primera por aumento en la lluvia

Mensajes Clave Hasta mayo, los hogares de los agricultores de subsistencia en áreas del Corredor Seco de la región y en el norte de Honduras sufrirán un menor acceso a los alimentos dado que sufrieron pérdidas significativas…


Crisis in Haiti-GBV Situation Brief - Update 26th April 2024

Key highlights Context of the crisis: On 29 February, violence broke across numerous neighbourhoods of the capital Port-au-Prince. Insecurity and violence is driving the crisis and displacement in Haiti, in March 138 attacks were recorded against state institutions,…

Situation Report
GBV AoR, Govt. Haiti, Protection Cluster, UNFPA
29 Apr 2024

Honduras + 7 more

Honduras Operational Update 27 - March 2024

Population figures Internal displacement +247,000 people have been internally displaced in Honduras as a result of violence between 2004 and 2018. Numbers are estimated to be higher in 2024, as triggers of internal displacement persist. Asylum 10,376 Honduran nationals sought…

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