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Grenada + 2 more

After the storm: Two months after Hurricane Beryl

“When we arrived in Carriacou, we saw everything completely destroyed,” reportsGonzalo Velasco of the UN Disaster Assessment and Coordination (UNDAC) system. This sobering summary could well have come from any small island on Hurricane Beryl’s path as…

News and Press Release
30 Aug 2024

Panama + 4 more

Movimientos Mixtos Darién y Chiriquí, Julio 2024

Contexto El Servicio Nacional de Fronteras (SENAFRONT) anunció el cierre de varios pasos no autorizados utilizados por refugiados y migrantes para ingresar irregularmente a Darién. Los funcionarios reforzaron las rutas con cercas de alambre, estableciendo un corredor…

Mexico + 7 more

UNICEF LACRO Humanitarian Situation Report No. 1 (Mexico and Central America: Children on the Move and other Crises) reporting period 01 January – 30 June 2024

HIGHLIGHTS The flow of children on the move continued increasing throughout Central America and Mexico. The number of migrants crossing the Darien border (Panama) reached high figures in the first semester of 2024, with more than 201.000…

Panama + 3 more

Mixed Movements Darién and Chiriquí, July 2024

Context The National Border Service (SENAFRONT) announced the closure of several unauthorized paths used by refugees and migrants to enter Darien irregularly. Officials reinforced the routes with barbed wire, establishing a humanitarian corridor and security checks through…


Haïti Bulletin des Prix, août 2024

Le Réseau de systèmes d’alerte précoce contre la famine (FEWS NET) surveille les tendances des prix des aliments de base dans les pays vulnérables à l'insécurité alimentaire. Pour chaque pays et chaque région couvert par FEWS…

Situation Report
30 Aug 2024

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