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Natural Hazards Monitoring - 5 September 2024

Wildfires Ecuador On 5 September 2024, the Ecuador Risk Management Secretariat (SNGR per its acronym in Spanish) published information on wildfires in the province of Pichincha, Ecuador. According to the information, 3 wildfires are active and 2 were…

News and Press Release
5 Sep 2024

El Salvador + 1 more

El Salvador: Informe Mensual #7, Julio 2024

PRINCIPALES ACONTECIMIENTOS Las personas en Cabañas y alrededores ahora tienen acceso a oportunidades de formación vocacional y actividades recreativas en el Centro de Integración Comunitaria (CIC) inaugurado en Ilobasco. ACNUR apoyó a la Dirección para la Reconstrucción…

Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)

Venezuela - Key Message Update: Economic stability continues post-election, maintaining Stressed (IPC Phase 2) outcomes, August 2024

Key Messages The recent elections and associated protests caused a temporary shortage in supermarkets during the last week of July. However, no significant impact on longer-term acute food insecurity was observed. Despite economic progress, such as a…

Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)

Venezuela: Actualización de mensajes clave - La estabilidad económica continúa posterior a las elecciones, así se mantiene la inseguridad alimentaria Acentuada (Fase 2, CIF), agosto 2024

Mensajes Clave Las recientes elecciones y las protestas asociadas causaron un desabastecimiento temporal en los supermercados durante la última semana de julio. Sin embargo, no se observó un impacto significativo en la inseguridad alimentaria aguda a largo…


Colombia: stop attacks on education

More than 7,500 students, teachers, and other school staff were affected by the armed conflict in Colombia between January and July 2024, according to new data from the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC). NRC calls on all…

News and Press Release
5 Sep 2024

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