Cartes / Infographies

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Haïti — Suivi des Urgences 28 — Déplacements suite aux attaques dans la commune de Cité Soleil (Département de l’Ouest), Collecte des données : 15 - 16 novembre 2023, Publication : 16 novembre 2023

Après le décès d’un chef de gang dans la commune de Soleil, des attaques armées y sont survenues, conduisant aux déplacements d’environ 248 ménages constitués de plus de 1 000 personnes. Ces attaques sont toujours en…


Haiti: Emergency Tracking Tool (ETT) | Displacement following attacks in the municipalityof Cité Soleil (West district) - Dashboard No. 28, Data Collection: 15 – 16 November 2023, Publication: 16 November 2023

After the death of a gang leader in the municipality of Cité of Soleil, armed attacks occurred there, leading to the displacement of approximately 248 households made up of more than 1,000 individuals. These attacks are…

Colombia + 1 more

Colombia: UNHCR Response (January - September 2023)

During the first nine months of 2023, UNHCR complemented the efforts of local and national authorities to respond to the needs of people in need of protection and host communities. Interventions sought to mobilize protection and…

Colombia + 1 more

Análisis de la situación del sector educación en el fenómeno de el niño en Colombia en 2023 y el primer trimestre de 2024

La presente infografía tienen como objetivo proporcionar información estadística para el Clúster de Educación en Emergencias (EeE) con el fin de calcular cuantos NNA podrán ser afectados ante la posibilidad de que ocurra el fenómeno del…

Education Cluster, iMMAP Inc., UNICEF
16 Nov 2023

Colombia + 1 more

Colombia: UNHCR Response (January - August 2023)

During the first eight months of 2023, UNHCR complemented the efforts of local and national authorities to respond to the needs of people in need of protection and host communities. Interventions sought to mobilize protection and…

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