Cartes / Infographies

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Colombia + 16 more

RMRP 2023-2024 WASH 2-Pager

SECTOR OVERVIEW Refugees and migrants, both in-transit and many in-destination in the various R4V countries face difficulties in accessing essential WASH services. Lack of WASH services has detrimental implications in the prevention of diseases, GBV, integration, and…

Colombia + 17 more

RMRP 2023-2024 Humanitarian Transportation 2-Pager

SECTOR OVERVIEW In 2023 and 2024, the Humanitarian Transportation Sector will work in the 17 R4V countries through its 24 partners to ensure dignified and safe human mobility by complementing socio-economic integration, access to basic services, regularization…

Colombia + 17 more

RMRP 2023-2024 Nutrition 2-Pager

SECTOR OVERVIEW The Nutrition Sector will continue to respond to the needs of the population groups most vulnerable to malnutrition: children under 5 years of age especially children under 2, adolescents (particularly girls) and pregnant and lactating…

Colombia + 16 more

RMRP 2023-2024 Gender-Based Violence 2-Pager

SECTOR OVERVIEW The main response priorities for the regional GBV Sub-sector are the following: 1. Promote social cohesion and self-reliance. To address sexual exploitation and xenophobia, regional GBV partners will roll out psychosocial programming, including in safe spaces…

Colombia + 17 more

RMRP 2023-2024 Protection 2-Pager

SECTOR OVERVIEW Against the background of the protection needs of refugees and migrants, identified in the RMNA, the Protection Sector will focus its response on the following priorities: • Access to effective asylum procedures, regularization and documentation programmes:…

Dominican Republic + 1 more

República Dominicana RMRP 2023-2024

República Dominicana acoge al mayor número de refugiados y migrantes venezolanos en el Caribe, y representan el segundo mayor grupo de extranjeros del país, después de los haitianos. En 2021, el Gobierno lanzó un “Plan de…

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