Cartes / Infographies

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Chile: Comuna Licanten Río Mataquito - Situacion Pos Inundacion (28 de Mayo de 2008)

Radarsat/Spot-5 image of Licanten municipality Source: ALOS; SPOT, 10m/pixel (Spot-5), 12.5m/pixel (Radarsat-1) resolution. Acquired: 10/12/2006 (Spot-5), 28/05/2008 (Radarsat-1) Merge of a SPOT natural colour image over an ALOS/PALSAR Image over the municipality of Licanten, Chile. Credit: Copyright CSA 2008, Copyright…


Chile: Localidad de Licantén - Situación 28 Mayo 2008

Composite Spot-5/Radarsat image Source: ALOS; SPOT, 10m/pixel (Spot-5), 12.5m/pixel (Radarsat-1) resolution. Acquired: 10/12/2006 (Spot-5), 28/05/2008 (Radarsat-1) Spot-5 natural colour image over an ALOS/PALSAR image, zoom over the municipality of Licanten, Chile. Credit: Copyright CSA 2008, Copyright CNES 2008 Image processing,…


Chile: Huale y Las Higueras - Situación 28 Mayo 2008

Composite Spot-5/Radarsat image Source: ALOS; SPOT, 10m/pixel (Spot-5), 12.5m/pixel (Radarsat-1) resolution. Acquired: 10/12/2006 (Spot-5), 28/05/2008 (Radarsat-1) Spot-5 natural colour image over an ALOS/PALSAR image, zoom over the municipality of Huale, Chile. Credit: Copyright CSA 2008, Copyright CNES 2008 Image processing,…

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