
Humanitarian Data Exchange results

Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)

Evaluation de Necesidades 2022

Tipo de encuesta: Informante clave Encuestas completadas: 10,534 Estados: 20 de 24 que abarcan 102 municipios Preguntas: 90 con 477 opciones de respuesta en 10 secciones 1. Información Básico 2. Acceso a Servicios 3. Seguridad Alimentaria 4. Salud 5. Alojamiento Energía y Enseres 6. Agua Saneamiento e Higiene 7. Educación 8. Protección 9. Movilidad Humana 10. Rendición de Cuentas

Grupo de trabajo de evaluación de las necesidades
23 Jan 2023

Argentina + 16 more

RMNA 2022

Full dataset of the 2022 Refugee and Migrant Needs Analysis (RMNA), including total population and people in need estimates disaggregated by age and gender, and Admin-1 level. More info on the RMNA microsite:

Inter-Agency Coordination Platform for Refugees and Migrants from Venezuela
3 Mar 2023


Peru - Interagency Flow Monitoring Tacna, 2022

UNHCR and IOM collected a flow monitoring survey of Venezuelan refugees and migrants to analyze their movement dynamics at the border, their protection needs and vulnerabilities. For the most part, families in transit are walking or asking…

UNHCR, IOM, Plan International
1 Sep 2024
Téléchargement  + 1 more


Peru - Flow Monitoring Tumbes (Exits), Q2-Q3 2022

UNHCR Peru undertakes flow monitoring of Venezuelan refugees and migrants to analyze their movement dynamics at the border, their protection needs and vulnerabilities. For the most part, families in transit are walking or asking for hitchhiking and…


Peru - Flow Monitoring Cusco and Madre de Dios, Q2-Q3 2022

UNHCR Peru undertakes flow monitoring of Venezuelan refugees and migrants to analyze their movement dynamics at the border, their protection needs and vulnerabilities. For the most part, families in transit are walking or asking for hitchhiking and…


Peru - Flow Monitoring Tacna and Puno, Q2 2022

UNHCR Peru undertakes flow monitoring of Venezuelan refugees and migrants to analyze their movement dynamics at the border, their protection needs and vulnerabilities. For the most part, families in transit are walking or asking for hitchhiking and…


Peru - Flow Monitoring Tumbes (Entries), Q2 2022

UNHCR Peru undertakes flow monitoring of Venezuelan refugees and migrants to analyze their movement dynamics at the border, their protection needs and vulnerabilities. For the most part, families in transit are walking or asking for hitchhiking and…


Peru - Flow Monitoring Tumbes (Exits), Q2 2021

UNHCR Peru undertakes flow monitoring of Venezuelan refugees and migrants to analyze their movement dynamics at the border, their protection needs and vulnerabilities. For the most part, families in transit are walking or asking for hitchhiking and…


Peru - Flow Monitoring Tacna and Puno, Q2 2021

UNHCR Peru undertakes flow monitoring of Venezuelan refugees and migrants to analyze their movement dynamics at the border, their protection needs and vulnerabilities. For the most part, families in transit are walking or asking for hitchhiking and…

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