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Estado nutricional de alimentación y condiciones de salud de la población desplazada por la violencia en seis subregiones de Colombia

La investigación de los problemas de la po blación desplazada ha sido una prioridad en los tiempos recientes para facilitar la definición y focalización de los múltiples esfuerzos de ayuda humanitaria de instituciones nacionales e internacionales. En esta oportunidad, el…


Haiti : Bilan de la sécurité alimentaire 2003-2005

RéSUMé EXéCUTIF =C0 la différence du bilan précédent (2001-2002) qui s'était concentré sur les aspects chiffrés permettant de faire le point de façon précise sur l'insécurité alimentaire des ménages en termes concrets - combien de victimes ? Qui sont elles…


Fifth quarterly report of the Secretary General to the Permanent Council on the Mission to Supprot the Peace Process in Colombia

OEA/Ser.G CP/doc.4062/05 5 October 2005 Original: Spanish This document is being distributed to the permanent missions and will be presented to the Permanent Council of the Organization. 1. Background This quarterly report of the Secretary General on the Mission to Support the Peace Process in…


Jamaica: Trelawny farmers lose $16 million in crops and livestock

OCHO RIOS (JIS), Friday, July 29, 2005- Flooding and landslides associated with Hurricanes Dennis and Emily caused some $16 million in damage to farms and farm roads in Trelawny, the Rural Agricultural Development Authority (RADA) has reported. RADA Parish Manager,…

Govt. Jamaica
29 Jul 2005


Hurricane damage assessment underway in Central Jamaica

MANDEVILLE (JIS) - Monday, July 18, 2005 Assessment teams from various agencies of government are currently touring communities in Manchester, Clarendon and St. Elizabeth, to ascertain the level of damage as a result of Hurricane Emily. Parish Disaster Coordinator for St. Elizabeth, Yvonne…

Govt. Jamaica
18 Jul 2005

Haiti + 1 more

Haití: ¿Ahora o nunca?

Haïti a-t-elle jamais existé? Ghristophe Wargny A - Introducción Haití, considerada en su día la Perla de las Antillas, corre actualmente el riesgo de convertirse en el primer Estado fallido de América y en un foco de desestabilización para toda la región…


Jamaica: Damage assessment underway in Trelawny

OCHO RIOS (JIS), Thursday, July 14, 2005 - The Trelawny Parish Disaster Committee is carrying out assessments to ascertain the level of damage in the parish as a result of Hurricane Dennis. Parish Disaster Coordinator, Dion Hylton, told JIS News that…

Govt. Jamaica
14 Jul 2005


Fourth quarterly report of the Secretary General on the situation in Haiti and on the work of the OAS special mission for strengthening democracy in Haiti pursuant to AG/RES. 2058 (XXXIV-O/04)

BACKGROUND This fourth report of the Secretary General to the Permanent Council, pursuant to Paragraph 15 of resolution AG/RES 2058 (XXXIV-O/04) of 8 June, 2004, describes the current situation in Haiti, discusses the work of the OAS Special Mission for…

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