
ReliefWeb results


Honduras Humanitarian Needs Overview 2023 (September 2022)

Context, shocks, ongoing developments and impact of the crisis Honduras faces increasing multidimensional and overlapping risks in a context of extreme fragility, due to political and social conflicts exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, the effects of climate…


Honduras: Humanitarian Needs and Response Summary 2023

NEEDS OVERVIEW Overlapping vulnerabilities brought about by ongoing food insecurity, climate change and disasters, displacement and violence left 2.8 million people in Honduras with humanitarian needs in 2021. Conditions have only deteriorated in the wake of hurricanes…

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Honduras: Plan de Respuesta Humanitaria (Enero 2023)

Panorama del Plan de Respuesta PERSONAS EN NECESIDAD: 3,2M POBLACIÓN META: 2,1M REQUERIMIENTOS (US$): 280,4M SOCIOS OPERATIVOS: 48 PROYECTOS: 96 Durante el año 2021, el análisis de necesidades humanitarias reveló que 2,8M de personas en Honduras sufrían de necesidades humanitarias. La actualización…

Honduras + 3 more

Honduras Price Bulletin, January 2023

The Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET) monitors trends in staple food prices in countries vulnerable to food insecurity. For each FEWS NET country and region, the Price Bulletin provides a set of charts showing…

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Honduras: SitRep nº 5 - Situación Migratoria

CONTEXTO El 5 de enero, el Departamento de Seguridad Nacional de Estados Unidos (DHS por sus siglas en inglés) anunció nuevas medidas de control fronterizo con el objetivo de poner fin al vigente Título 42. Estas medidas buscan…

Situation Report
Action Against Hunger, ADRA, ChildFund International
30 Jan 2023

Honduras + 11 more

Honduras: Situation Report Nº 5 - Migratory Situation

CONTEXT On January 5, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced new border control measures aimed at ending Title 42. These measures seek to reduce irregular migration and, in the case of people fleeing humanitarian crises, to…

Situation Report
Action Against Hunger, ADRA, ChildFund International
30 Jan 2023

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