
ReliefWeb results


WFP Honduras Country Brief, September 2021

In Numbers USD 30.3 m six months (October 2021 – March 2022) net funding requirements, representing 31% of total Operational Updates • Three cooperation agreements are currently underway with the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) and CUSO International.…


Honduras: Fire DREF Plan of Action N° MDRHN015

A. Situation analysis Description of the situation On Saturday, 2 October 2021, around 2:00 a.m., a fire of significant proportions was reported in the municipality of Guanaja, Department of Islas de la Bahía, located 70 km north of…


WFP Honduras Country Brief, August 2021

In Numbers N/A of food assistance distributed US$ 1.44 m cash-based transfers US$ 22.5 m six months (September 2021-February 2022) net funding requirements 84,190 people assisted in AUGUST 2021 Operational Updates • The Resilience Programme continued with food assistance through cash transfers…

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