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Honduras: Dengue outbreak, DREF Final Report (MDRHN019)

What happened, where and when? Dengue continues to be the arbovirus with the highest number of reported cases in the Region of the Americas, with outbreaks occurring cyclically every 3 to 5 years. In Honduras, over the…


Honduras: Epidemia - 05-2024 - Dengue #2 (2024-05-31)

Descripción Se ha observado un aumento sostenido en el número de casos sospechosos desde la primera semana del mes de enero de forma atípica a expensas de las regiones antes mencionadas. Entre los factores que inciden en…

Situation Report
Cruz Roja Hondureña, IFRC
3 Jun 2024


Honduras - Informe externo de fin de año - 2023

Informe de fin de año de la Operación Honduras de ACNUR para 2023. Este documento integral, disponible tanto en español como en inglés, destaca los logros y esfuerzos clave para apoyar a más de 170.000 personas…


Honduras - End of Year Report - 2023

In 2023, Honduras continued to be affected by a complex humanitarian landscape, shaped by a confluence of socio-political, economic, and environmental challenges. UNHCR in Honduras, in collaboration with various partners, has remained at the forefront of…


DREF Honduras: Hospital fire (MDRHN022)

What happened, where and when? On April 20, 2024, a devastating fire destroyed the public hospital in Roatan, located in Coxen Hole, Bay Islands, 56 kilometers off the Atlantic coast of Honduras. The building, mainly made of…

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