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Honduras + 1 more

United States Announces $11.6 Million for Reintegration Services for Returning Honduran Migrants

For Immediate Release Office of Press Relations press@usaid.gov Tuesday, September 26, 2023 Press Release The United States, through USAID, announced a $11.6 million commitment towards migrant reintegration in Honduras. Through this latest investment, USAID reaffirms its commitment to ensuring safe, orderly…

News and Press Release
27 Sep 2023

Honduras + 7 more

Movimientos mixtos en Honduras: Aumento en el número de ingresos de personas refugiadas y migrantes (Reporte de situación No. 3 / Del 1 de enero al 31 de agosto 2023

Documento elaborado con la información reportada por los miembros del Equipo Local de Frontera Suroriente. El Equipo Local de Respuesta a la Frontera Suroriente (EL) es el espacio de coordinación designado por la Red Humanitaria para fortalecer…

Situation Report
Protection Cluster, UNHCR
7 Sep 2023


WFP Honduras Country Brief, July 2023

In Numbers 5,500 mt of food assistance distributed* 540,000 cash-based transfers made* USD 59.3 million six months (August 2023 – January 2024) net funding requirements, representing 85 percent of total 1,202,377 people assisted* In JULY 2023 Operational Updates On 28 July, WFP,…

Honduras + 11 more

UNHCR Americas Operational Update, August 2023

Highlights One in every five forcibly displaced or stateless people worldwide lived in the Americas by the end of 2022, as political instability, violence, persecution, human rights violations, and climate-related disasters continued to force people to move…


WFP Honduras Country Brief, May 2023

In Numbers USD 64.1 m six months (June – November 2023) net funding requirements, representing 89 percent of total Operational Updates • WFP Honduras representative, Stephanie Hochstetter, accompanied President Xiomara Castro at the inauguration of the National School Feeding…

Honduras + 1 more

Honduras: Humanitarian Response Plan (January 2023)

Response Plan Overview PEOPLE IN NEED 3.2M TARGET POPULATION 2.1M FINANCIAL REQUIREMENT (US$) 280.4M OPERATING PARTNERS 48 PROJECTS 96 During 2021, the humanitarian needs analysis revealed that 2.8M people in Honduras were in need of humanitarian assistance. This analysis was updated in 2022 and indicated that these…

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