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WFP Honduras Country Brief, September 2016

Highlights The Honduran Pediatric Association awarded WFP a diploma for the role it has been playing towards the improvement of the nutritional food security among children under 2 years and pregnant and nursing women. WFP is partnering with…


Suspenden por 48 horas las clases en Choluteca debido a lluvias

Honduras, 19 de Octubre 2016 Fuente: La Prensa Las clases en el departamento de Choluteca, zona sur de Honduras, fueron suspendidas por 48 horas debido a la alerta roja que fue declarada este miércoles por las inundaciones y…

News and Press Release
20 Oct 2016


WFP Honduras Country Brief, August 2016

Highlights The Honduran Pediatric Association awarded WFP a diploma for the role it has been playing towards the improvement of the nutritional food security among children under 2 years and pregnant and lactating women. WFP is partnering with…


Niños que pintan un mejor futuro para Honduras

El Programa Mundial de Alimentos de las Naciones Unidas (PMA) brinda almuerzos escolares a más de 16,9 millones de niños en 62 países y facilita asistencia técnica en otros 10 países. A través de una comida…

News and Press Release
5 Sep 2016


WFP Honduras Country Brief, July 2016

English version

Highlights WFP Honduras has one of the largest Cash Based Transfer (CBT) portfolio in the Latin American region. Beyond the relief and recovery operation, CBT is now also enhancing food assistance in climate change adaptation and mitigation…


Honduras - Humanitarian Situation Report No.1 (4 Aug 2016)

Highlights El huracán Earl, de categoría 1, tocó el territorio de Honduras ayer afectando de forma leve, 7 de los 18 departamentos del país. La Comisión Permanente de Contingencias (COPECO) declaró el 2 de agosto alerta roja por…


WFP Honduras Country Brief, June 2016

Highlights WFP Honduras has one of the largest (and expanding) Cash Based Transfer (CBT) portfolios in the Latin American region. Beyond the relief and recovery operation, CBT is now also enhancing food assistance in climate change adaptation…

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