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Natural Hazards Monitoring - 25 June 2021

Official Severe Weather Guatemala On 24 June, the Guatemala National Coordination System for Disaster Reduction (CONRED, per its acronym in Spanish) reported that during the rainy season, 209 weather events have occurred affecting 462,002 people. Currently there are 194…

News and Press Release
26 Jun 2021

Guatemala + 4 more

Guatemala: DTM Baseline assessment of irregular migration flows and mobility monitoring in border crossing points within the context of COVID-19, Round 4 - April 2021

The entry and transit of migrants through Guatemala is increasingly controlled, as evidenced through specific actions such as detention at the borders and control actions along the highways to identify irregular migrants attempting to transit through…

Guatemala + 5 more

Guatemala: Línea base para la evaluación de flujos migratorios irregulares y seguimiento a la movilidad en localidades fronterizas bajo el contexto de la COVID-19, Ronda 4 (abril 2021)

El ingreso y tránsito de las personas migrantes por Guatemala es cada vez más controlado, y se ilustran con acciones concretas como las detenciones en las fronteras, así como los retenes en carretera para identificar personas…

Guatemala + 1 more

Natural Hazards Monitoring - 22 June 2021

Severe Weather Guatemala On 21 June, the Guatemala National Coordinating System for Disaster Reduction (CONRED, per its acronym in Spanish), reported 22 weather related incidents between 19-20 June that caused floods, strong winds, and landslides and affected 96,370…

News and Press Release
23 Jun 2021


Volcán de Fuego presenta ente 4 to 10 explosiones por hora

El volcán de Fuego presenta entre 4 a 10 explosiones por hora, generando columnas de ceniza a 4 mil 600 metros sobre el nivel del mar, que se desplazan al oeste, suroeste y sur, según informó…

News and Press Release
Govt. Guatemala
19 Jun 2021


Volcano de Fuego presents between 4 to 10 explosions per hour

The Fuego volcano presents between 4 to 10 explosions per hour, generating ash columns at 4,600 meters above sea level, which move to the west, southwest and south, according to the scientific entity of the National…

News and Press Release
Govt. Guatemala
19 Jun 2021

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