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Resumen: Plan de Respuesta Humanitaria 2023 Guatemala

OBJETIVOS ESTRATÉGICOS Responder a las necesidades humanitarias y salvar las vidas de las poblaciones severamente afectadas por inseguridad alimentaria y nutricional, personas en movilidad humana y desastres hidrometeorológicos con enfoque de derechos humanos, perspectiva intersectorial, diferenciada por…


Guatemala: Humanitarian Response Plan Summary 2023

STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES Respond to the humanitarian needs and save the lives of populations severely affected by food and nutritional insecurity, human mobility and hydrometeorological disasters with a human rights approach, intersectoral perspective, differentiated by age, gender and…

Guatemala + 25 more

The Americas: People UNHCR serves | Mid-2022

19.9 million people UNHCR serves 690 K Refugees 2.7 M Asylum-seekers 5.3 M Other people in need of int. protec. (OIPs) 4.6 K Stateless 4.1 M Others of concern 7.1 M Internally displaced people (IDPs)

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