Cartes / Infographies

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Guatemala - Volcano de Fuego: Estimation of damaged buildings in San Miguel de Los Lotes and surrouding area - Imagery analysis: 4 June 2018 | Published 7 June 2018 | Version 1.0

This map illustrates an estimation of the number of buildings potentially affected by pyroclastic flow detected by Copernicus EMS using a Sentinel-2 satellite image collected on 4 June 2018. UNITAR-UNOSAT estimates 411 buildings / structures within…


Guatemala Infografía incidentes enero-abril 2018

CIFRAS CLAVES Personas damnificadas: 2,191 mil Personas Afectadas: 156,970 mil Persona fallecida: 1 Personas evacuadas: 8,985 personas albergadas: 1,200 Viviendas daño leve: 1,427 Viviendas daño moderado: 736 Viviendas daño severo: 27 Departamentos más afectados: 5

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