
This operation has been archived and is no longer being updated.  For the latest updates, please see: https://reliefweb.int/country/gmb

ReliefWeb results


WFP The Gambia Country Brief, March 2023

In Numbers USD 702,177 cash-based transfers made USD 5.1 million six-month (April – September 2023) net funding requirements 131,233 people assisted in February and March 2023 Operational Updates School feeding Following the increase in the number of beneficiary schools supported by the…


Gambia - 2023 IFRC network country plan (MAAGM002)

NATIONAL SOCIETY PROFILE The Gambia Red Cross Society was established in 1966 as a national humanitarian organization, auxiliary to the public authorities, particularly to the Ministry of Health as well as to the Medical Services of the…

Gambia + 3 more

The Gambia: Flow Monitoring Report 16 (October - December 2022)

In order to gain a better understanding of mobility flows and trends throughout West and Central Africa, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) implements the Displacement Tracking Matrix’s Flow Monitoring (FM) tool at key transit points…


WFP The Gambia Country Brief, November 2022

In Numbers 124.05 mt of food assistance distributed USD 41,000 cash-based transfers made USD 3.5 million six-month (December 2022 – May 2023) net funding requirements 130,083 people assisted in November 2022 Operational Updates Emergency response: • WFP, in partnership with QMoney and the…


The Gambia National Food Security Survey Report December 2022

HIGHLIGHTS At the national level, one household out of four is food insecure and an additional 2 percent is severely food insecure. One out of every four households has an inadequate food consumption/does not meet food needs. To meet…

FAO, Govt. Gambia, UNCT Gambia, WFP
11 Jan 2023

Gambia + 2 more

World Bank Approves $246 Million to Strengthen Coastal Resilience in West Africa

The Gambia, Ghana, and Guinea-Bissau join the West Africa Coastal Areas Management Program (WACA) WASHINGTON, December 15, 2022 — Populations at immediate risk from coastal erosion, flooding and pollution, and people depending on agroindustry and tourism along…

News and Press Release
World Bank
16 Dec 2022

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